17. Are You Out There?

Oh, how I wonder if there’s someone who’ll love me.
Someone I can truly love without a sense of pride.

Not a girl to call my own,
But a girl who feels like home.
Just a girl to hold me in her arms,
A girl who’s heart is filled with love.

Grateful for the moments when our hearts embrace,
We’ll cuddle one another with the peace we’ve made.
Content and free of worry, we’ll live without great haste,
For our bond will withstand even the deepest of fears.

Earnestly, we’ll express our love for each other,
But not from the heart-wrecking fear of loneliness,
But from the absolute vulnerability of being cared for.

She’s not mine, yet she'll choose to be there, by my side,
Walking hand in hand in the comfort of one another’s presence.
Mindfully dancing within the bliss of the unconditional love we’ll share,
Our eyes meet, our arms hug, and our lips lay rest with one another’s.


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