
Showing posts from 2022

163. Holding My Own Hand

I've held a million different hands. Each drawn from a special texture. Each sparked with their own heat. I wished to believe I was being guided, But maybe my hand was being pulled. I sought them out to not freeze in winter. But by grace I reached my hand to it's ice. My fingers sank into the cold. They warmed up to it's chills, As if they were held themselves By home long forgotten, by me.

162. Yes!

Even before my mouth can bend air, There's a "yes" that came even before. I held my own hand through the dark So my own warmth became my light. I had no reason to dabble in what's fair. My thoughts let go of my head to freefall. The pillow became the goal of my mark. No whispers saying "you're not right." My fingers slipped the book holding on. Looking back was the moonflower foretold. Magic trapped me as we touched Before I could even point. I knew with just a whiff, My smile reflected its, Fully knowing so.

161. Picnic For You

All that can be heard are pots and pans chatter, Interrupted when my nose catches a "h-achoo." You return, teeth trapped with one another. They tap out a message with every tick. You let my fingers prance around your shoulder, My hands held in yours without a mutter. A nod melts into a kiss, tattooed by your lipstick. Your bite becomes a nibble by my words, "For you and I, I made sure to plan." One look at the picnic basket and you knew, "To plant my garden of smiles from you." Never a moment without haste, My apple already admired for its taste. Grown from the soil of you and I, Kissable chuckles plucked when ripe. I'm made a pillow at our nest. Before I realized it, I am in her plight. My touch silks through her hair, They drop like rain on a soft night. My heart a warming lantern, Leading your gaze to my mirror, My eyes reflect my world, you learn. You sing our favorite song for sure,  "I'm sure to love you forevermore." You're in

160. Nuzzle

The cold has been her favorite for a lifetime, But she's come to fall in love with summertime. She's firm in making a blanket from my body, I puff into the cloud she covers herself in. My eyes drop their guard seeing her blushed cheeks,  I quiver when mine, smooth as glass, mirrors hers. A quiet whisper, "did I just hear your mouth squeak?" It's like for her to paint my face rose is all that matters. She pulls me in for our nose to brush. I become the frozen cold she adores. I remember insecurity as she pulls away, Only to feel a tickle traversing down my arms. She walks my fingers gently past my neck, Demanding them to rest against my voice. Her eager lips paint against my neck. I feel the vanilla air from their gaze, It blows over the mess she drizzled. Death visits as she's chastised my moan. Teeth digging into her masterpiece, I'm reborn from her committing sin.

159. Bubbles

I pour my hands into a bath. From a long day without rest, The ease of reason to indulge A premiere soap for a cleanse, Holy enough to be wrapped by clouds A blessing befallen from the heavens, The light gives out to me reaching for a hand, But these fingers of mine only slip pass. A firm, yet fierce grip eats at mine. Silly ole huffs gives size to your heart, But a pop blows as a vanishing act. I allow a splash to paint itself on mine. I feel this heart of mine, A soft, yet gentle, Squish

158. Blind

Contacts and eyewear for looking behind eyes. A home to comment ethereal from reality. A bit of my senses burned in cremation. Aires travel breathed in kindly. Tasting as sprinkles covering ice cream  Through your ear to your world for projection. I gave you a pen alongside colors. Ink cutting paper as you stayed in line. Thunder came to knock you off kilter, A sudden scream of sound being fiction Rain proceeded your eye of storm. Guide-lines washed off your canvas. Fingertips able to glide through heaven. No need for sins being why you hide.

XI. A Letter For You

I know life can be quite the b-word at times. Sometimes you have something amazing to share, but someone will tell you it's not good enough, with many looking right past it. At times you have that little glimmer in you, and yet you begin to believe the best of you has no place here, so you let it slip away where no one, not even yourself, is allowed to see that there was a moment you took to admire yourself for who you are then and there. I'm sorry if you feel like you aren't allowed to feel happy yet, to feel like you can't be okay now. I'm not here to tell you you shouldn't be sad, that anger isn't okay to hold, to indulge in apathy when you're overwhelmed from the cruelty of many things. This coin is two sided. I also see you who is happy, who is okay. You may even be too afraid of being judged to show it off. I know what that's like too. To not feel at all, or too little, or too much. Maybe you're hurt by being a little "too," but j

157. Defenseless

Time for she and I to mix is less than half a day, More time seen from the Sun and Moon's pirouette. Not until the weeks end may we dine at a full table. Her cheeks puffed from the call of duty. "May I offer you a bed in my tomfoolery?" Not once a judge came to interject why. Her knees fall from running from today's quake, "Allow my hand onto yours to find ground" As I carry her to rest by the lake. Her fingers sleep between mine, Reminding me I needn't be so shy. She takes course without sound. Soothed afresh by being reciprocated in kind, I'm wrapped together by her kiss as I lay With a taste leaving me vulnerable.

156. Frosty

I've had my lips burnt. It took a little bit of addiction. But I was just being a little runt. I sold my soul to be a comedian. Kisses would come in groves when heated. But all the undressing eyes gave no salvation. This is no way to be treated. The corner of my room became a lake. A place for me to heal was needed. Then came along the burning summer. Snowcone in hand with a smile behind a fan. I couldn't help but let out only stutters. Arms held me like a blanket fighting winter, Dousing the ills from embers of anxiety. Every icy graze on my lips reminds me of her.

155. Clean-up Day!

Do I embrace being the calm your head may rest against, or the dork that speaks to the beat of your heart? If I have no voice to hear in the first place, does the me called upon matter? Agency only comes when I allow myself to be. Even if another pair of footsteps were to clement beside me, accountability is standing on my own two feet. Why wait for the perfect person, when I can treat myself the way I wish to be with you? I could carve my own growth. Spend time in the kitchen to prep for me. I'll get to the point where I cut out what doesn't satisfy my cravings. Letting the seasons come to flavor the day afresh. I'll heat things until excitement boils, but won't forget a slow burn savored. I plant myself in a garden of wishes. But I know La La Land will only keep ideas dancing. I rose to the challenge of weeding out unfertile ground. Let my hands bathe in Mother Nature to grow you a bed of flowers. I'm soothed by the shade of the tree I water. Oh, won't you loo