42. Deserted Heart

I wish I could cry again
Just some water
For my soul

I feel like I'm out of water
I've wasted all my tears
When I felt my heart shatter

Not a even dab of nectar
Dripping from my heart
I'm running on dry

I can't water out the flames
Of my tormented world
I'm burned down
Stuck in hell

The tears
They haven't rained
Since I felt myself break

My life's so bent
Nothing but a stagnant hell
Living in this shell
Unable to repent

I've been dragged to hell
For all the hearts I've broke
All their is is an internal yell
Of how I fucked it all up
What a fucking choke!

I don't know how to cope
When I'm all out of faith
Where I'm without any love
Without a pinch of hope

Is this the price I pay
For selling my soul
On that painful day
When all I did was look away?


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