SS2. A Lift Home

Three days since the clock became a speeding snail; it's been three days since Joseph's divorce. Bound by the grimy takeout pizza boxes and the floor with apple juice stains, Joseph was quite certain his life was becoming an ouroboros of one bad day devouring another. It's unusual for him to be awake so late in the morning at 7:20 AM, let alone him dwelling on his life so soon of the sun rising on a Saturday. Joseph has been a morning person for the past 18 years since his last two years of high school, waking at his usual 5 AM. Today, just like yesterday and the day before, he's stayed awake past his normal 9 PM shuteye; an hour that made his ex-wife, Emily, feel extra lonely as she browsed through social media until the early AM to numb out her menial life. Joseph was unshaken when his wife wanted to no longer spend another day with him, but when the divorce was final, he couldn't grit his teeth at night any longer. 

The first thing Joseph saw when he found the strength to move his eyelids up were the pictures of him and Emily. A picture of one of their favorite dates two year into the relationship. Emily's left arm wrapped around Joseph's neck with a bubble blower in front of his face, and her right arm in front of her blushing red face. Her head resting eagerly on his head as he carried her on his back in the yard of Emily's parents' home. It was a difficult day of Emily needing to take care of a family feuds as she was sleeplessly preparing for her senior year of college exams. Noticing Emily's half open eyes the past few days, he remarked that he "should be the only thing leaving her so breathless." Alan, Emily's younger brother wanted to barf. In a fit of disgust, Alan threw his bubble blower set at him as he hustled inside to get away from the cooties buzzing around the yard. Emily grabbed some cleaning supplies to brush off the dirty bubble blower set, and with that, Emily got into position for them to blow bubbles together. Her hands began to tremble with excitement as she said, "I get to pick our next date night meal when you're left breathless first!" 

"One of our first and only pictures... I wish we took more..." Joseph thought to himself. Joseph wasn't photogenic. Always finding a way to hide his face with his bangs, turning his head in dissaprovement, or using his hands to put a wall between him and everyone who thought he was beautiful. To him, a picture was a ticking time bomb to nostalgia. Something he saw as only baggage from moving on with his life. This intimate picture hit a little too close for him not to let a teardrop escape his eye.

Slouching on his unkept bed that reeked of a spoiled cheese, he spent his morning pondering all the things he was never able to say to her as she left. His spirit's been broken long before she wanted to walk away from their relationship. With all the extra time he's spent at work so he could afford a decent date night for the two of them every other week, only to find himself falling asleep without hearing the words "I love you" for the past two years, he no longer had it in him to open up about what ate at him with every returning nightmare. 

With a blank stare to his vacant ceiling, his thoughts spilled all over the floor of his mind. With the faintest of hope, he reached his arms out to collect them. After some meditating on his feelings, he dressed them up in words that he could understand. Dirt shrouded feelings brushed up against his heart like an abandoned baby nestling up against a cold, worn out blanket that's been unwashed for years. "I wanted to tell you how much I was taken aback by how much more I wanted out of our relationship, but I know you would've grazed off my words like the compliments you always refunded back to me. Leaving me with an eye roll that signaled I was only using my words as a tool of transaction to get on your good side, I felt you wouldn't allow me to cross the river you put between us. The truth is--my robot like communication skills came from me trying to be objective in trying to avoid trouble for myself. I don't know any better...and when I asked what I could do to make things better for us...for were an empty book..."

The clock struck 9:30 AM when Joseph was able to talk himself into having breakfast. With no desire for anything succulent, he filled a bowl of sugary chocolate cereal with milk. Eating felt like an eternity as every bite was as tasteless as the way he was left on his own without any verbal warning. He only took sips from his cold glass of water before cleaning himself up and piling on the mess of dirty dishes in the sink that's as neglected as he felt during his marriage. 

Having agreed to Jason's plan for a party later that night in a limousine, Joseph did his best to past the time until then. He covered himself in his flaky blanket that's been crinkling up from the weeks of built-up dirt, but he didn't care. He could hardly feel its soft hold on his tightened up skin in the slightest. His heart hardened enough to have forgotten what it's like to loosen his grip on his psyche and let the embrace of uncertainty envelope his being. He grabbed his headphones to pray for melodic death metal melodies to drown out the voices in his head telling him he was asking for too much out of the relationship.

Hours slipped through like strangers passing by. Joseph's eyes deadened like a worker who lived only to pay for their own survival. The empty space in his bed reminded him of all the passion that's left him high and dry. His vision in both his eyes and the constructs of his mind were blurring ever so slowly that it went unnoticed. His mouth began to dry out as an hour is spent mentally asking himself to please get ready. His friends that he's known for several decades each were going to be there soon. What would they think if they saw him with him looking like he's gotta put in effort just to keep his eyes open? Looking deeply with his senses to reach his lungs, he slowly began to take deep breathes to liven up his appearance. Although his attention was wandering, he was able to put on something decent for the occasion. He couldn't quite tell what he put on with all the lethargy he's wearing, but dull and not too flashy are all he could notice in the mirror. 

The doorbell got his thoughts to hit the brakes enough to get him to take sloppy steps that shook like little earthquakes preventing him from walking in a straight line. His feet barely landed on the ground solidly as he noticed himself in the mirror. His blank stare turned into an unrecognizable puzzle when he wondered, "who is that?" Warmth embraced his heart for a hair of a second when he remembered the voice of his ex-wife exclaiming: "you look beautiful." Deaf ears pervaded him as everything went silent. In his self-consuming fantasy, the warmth bestowed upon him was a phantom gift that he couldn't come to grips with. When was the last time such a kindling flame had sparked in their relationship, he wondered. The soft doorbell almost became a musical trance for him to doze off into memories he cherished. Thunderous thumps awoke him from his trance that took him a second to realize what was going on.

A vibrant man's voice echoed through his door. "Yo, JoJo! We're here to take you in for the awful crime of IGNORING YOUR BEST FRIENDS' FOR WEEKS ON END, YOU ASSHAT!"

Joseph navigated the jungle of candy wrappers to reach his door with two bright smiles greeting him outside. Noticing his lifeless gaze, Kathryn leaned in with her eyes wide open and rounded smirk. "We're here to raise you from the dead! While you don't deserve our gracious revival spell for going incognito on use for so damn long, we're willing to make an exception because you'll make an excellent guinea pig for our trial runs." 

Jason outstretched his open palm. "Only for the low, low cost of paying completely for the adventure we'll embark!"

Joseph forgot his pain the faintest second and went on auto-pilot to grab Jason's hand and pull him in. "How about I pay you back with a priceless dance, handsome?" Joseph tried his hardest for a playful wink, but his demeaning thoughts returned home and stopped him midway as he remembered the upset he's been carrying.

"Sorry. Not my type." Jason slowly pulled his hand from Joseph's grip, making sure to graze the palm of Joseph's hand with two of his fingers as he pulled them towards his lips and gave them a kiss and a wink.

The group of weirdos let out a hearty laugh from the exchange. "As a doctor, I can tell you've been skipping out on your daily prescription of laughter, so we brought some for you," Kathryn responded in a professional, yet goofy tone.

Joseph moved his head back to bring in a relaxed sigh. "Why do I associate with you idiots?" Still, their little reunion is the breath of fresh air he's been dying to have as of late.

The gang shuffled inside as Kathryn tried to spark a conversation about what's been happening between everyone only to be playfully interrupted by Jason. "Nuh, uh. We'll rekindle old flames once we're in the comfort of the nice limo Joseph will be paying for!"


The two of them invited themselves in and the gang laid their stress to rest on Joseph's couch that was being occupied by empty ice cream canisters. Not before belittling Joseph's tidy behavior and cleaning up the mint chocolate stains laying waste around them, of course. Some time had passed before a blue light holier than the heavens pierced into Joseph's window--signaling them all to get up and jolt out into the cold sidewalk in bewilderment.

Jason reeled back slightly trying to shield his wide open mouth. "Hol--homey lookin' ride, eh?" He turned his head towards the opposite direction of the others excited gaze to hide his eyes beginning to twitch. "How much am I spending on this again?" He thought to himself before concluding: "to pull Joseph out of his ditch, it doesn't long as no one breaks anything..."

Joseph put his hand on his head with a bit of anxiety. "D-do you need help to afford all of this, dude?" A tinge of self-doubt overcame him as his funds aren't at their highest with all the eating out and skipped worked being indulged on recently. The air around him calmed his nerves as gratitude set in as this was a normal occurrence with Jason around. 

"Always the one to go above and beyond, aren't ya?"

Jason's nerves grounded itself as he responded to Joseph. "Only because you're always shoving my head into the clouds!'

Joseph tilted his head sideways and crossed his arms while putting hubris on his face "You're making it sound like I'm not even giving you a choice in the matter." 

Jason laughed as he gave him overly firm pats on the back while pushing him towards the limo door. "You never ask my consent to a good time, but you have it."

Coming to greet them with a proud posture, the driver walked in front of the limo with the face of a rich party host ready to give a tour of his lavish home. Even with the professionalism integrating itself into the daffy aura they brought with them, the tempo of his body movements where those of a zest filled child that made them feel a front of competence was never asked of them. "Ladies and gentlemen, your gala on the run has arrived."

Kathryn went for the limo door with the utmost grace. She opened the door like an assistant as she held the door open. She closed her eyes and gestured for Joseph to take the first steps in. "Blue just like the sky when the rain clouds part."

Joseph took a moment to take in the glaring lights awaiting him. Jason eagerly followed behind with the grin of a kid rushing to his favorite candy store. Kathryn was astonished with the luxury she was about to be a part of.

The driver gave them a big smile while telling them to make this place a second home for the rest of the night. "Don't be too homey, you guys. You might damage something expensive," Jason exclaimed. Joseph slouched down onto the expensive, elongated seat. While he got comfortable taking up enough spots for two, he thanked the driver with what little enthusiasm he could muster, which wasn't much compared the energy he had in the parking lot. 

Nonetheless, the gesture was appreciated. The driver took a deep breath of the moonflower like atmosphere he could feel from his patrons. "I wonder what this trip is calling to light?" He thought to himself as he went to the driver seat.

Jason ran up to Joseph and jumped onto his lap. "Take up two seats, and I'll take up a seat on your lap. It's only fair!"
"There are plenty of seats here! Give me space, man!"
"You don't love me anymore? I thought we were inseparable!"

While Joseph loves the playful banter between the two, he gave him a blank face in return for his gesture. Something within him grabbed and held onto him, like it was whispering into his ear, "you don't deserve to be here." His normal charm was being displaced with indifference as he felt unworthiness creeping up.

Kathryn become absorbed into her seat like she was about to be embraced by a cloud. "I knew your relationship wasn't going to last." Kathryn fell deeper into her cozy seat with her legs outstretching themselves as she chuckled. Jason erupted into laughter, falling back with his head hitting the small fridge behind him. He bit his lips as hard as he could to not let the others see he was in pain.

Joseph didn't react as softly as his friends. His posture stiffened as he looked down without noticing he was cupping his own hands. He sat in a position where he was as far away from both parties without getting out of his seat, like he was trapped between peering eyes with nowhere to hide his heartbreak. Nonetheless, that didn't stop him from unconsciously trying to hide in the rave lit interior that projected his expression to light.

Noticing Joseph's demeanor, Jason spoke up to bring all of the negative energy towards him. "What are you talking about? The relationship Joseph and I have is a role model for the perfect relationship! I give him great friendship, space to be himself, and the best s-s-s-" Jason was overcome with laughter to finish rattling on about his amazing, fictional romantic courtship. He was only met with an unimpressed gaze.

"But really--what we have--it's really comforting. I'm glad we stumbled upon each other like we did." Kathryn interjected.

"Yeah. Intentionally hitting someone in the head with a dodgeball is how I begin all of my lifelong friendships."

"This is why I've had so much trouble studying since the 2nd grade, I tell you. I should sue you for ruining my academic life at such a tender age."

"I don't have any money!"

"Construction work not going so well?"

Jason went on about how he's been having trouble getting much work done with all the new safety precautions being beaten into them. His co-workers and him have been as ignorant to work safety hazards as he and Kathryn's lack of attention to Joseph fading into the background.

"At least you still have some energy left over from a hard day of work to act like a buffoon. I barely know what to do when I have time to myself. I'm just so beat." Kathryn breathed in a loud sigh. "Working with people stressing over their health tires you out."

"At least going to medical school is paying the bills for you, right?"

Kathryn closed her eyes to put on a fake smile that was injected with defeat.

"I see..."

Jason went towards the mini-bar to refresh the situation from the rising tension burying everyone's cheery mood.

Joseph took a hasty glance at his checking account through his phone. "What're these drinks going to cost us? I've got thi-"

Jason interrupted. "We prepaid for these already. Don't sweat it. We got it covered. Just sit that cute little butt of yours down, ya hear?"

"Are you sure? I can pitch-" Joseph shoved a bottle of watermelon cooler to his face. "Shh. Less talky, more drinky."

Joseph's stress has been heating up inside him, so he instinctively put the bottle on his forehead as to signify to his body that it's time for rest. "Thanks."

"I'm going to interject myself into this intimate moment," Kathryn said with a giggle as she excitedly got up for a kiwi collins. Her hands shook as she was in the presence of the chilly fridge. "Brr. It sure is cold here."

"Not as cold as your heart." Jason said as steals her seat with a brandy in hand.

"Know your place!" She took the next seat over. “You know, I really thought that, out of the three of us, that your relationship would be the one to last.”

Joseph took his eyes off his drink and connected them with Kathryn’s. “I feel like you’re selling yourself short, but I appreciate the sentiment.”

Jason leaned back on his seat and stared into the dark spot of the limo’s roof. “You're quite loyal. I thought you were gonna be one and done when it came to your first partner.” He slowly raised his voice in a playful manner. “Like your loyalty to only drink watermelon coolers. You’ve literally never even glanced at another drink, you freak! But, I really admire that about you, dude.”

A smile rubbed onto Joseph's face. "You're not one for compliments; what's wrong with you today?"

"Just shut your face and take it in while I'm still in the mood!"

Joseph returned with a laugh." Gotcha. You're such a dork when you're sincere. So adorable."

Jason tried hiding his grin by downing his drink as fast as he could stomach. His face lit up bright red. It's only red because of the alcohol, and no other reason, he thought to himself. If they argue for him being a closeted nice human being, he'll put up his walls by giving them a piece of his mind. Considerate is not his style; not directly to say the least. Growing up in a house of doers and workers got him to lean towards action, not emotion.

Kathryn took her turn to speak up. "So--what was the build-up that lead you here?"

Joseph knew this topic of conversation was going to arise, but he didn't expect it to turn up so soon. He wanted to wait it out, and hoped the drinks would make them forget to ask the question. He soldiered up his heart for the next words. He wanted to express himself clearly, but all he was able to find was the heart of a child who was watching his loved ones walk away from him. Was all of this his fault, he wondered. He took in a deep breath just so he wouldn't jumble up his words from being overwhelmed by all the emotions of feeling like he was never enough in the relationship.

"From the beginning of our relationship, I've always noticed that I was the one doing damage control for our disagreements. I mean, she did too on the occasion, but I always brought up the troubles or misalignments. She would usually brush them down under the rug, but I was persistent about the issues--about us."

"As you should. You've mentioned plenty of times to the both of us about how she didn't want to figure out a plan of action to what was pushing you two apart," Kathryn stated.

"Not just what was pushing us apart, but also what kept pushing her away from what she wanted. I just wanted to help her find something to get excited about that wasn't just checking her phone all the damn time, you know?"

Jason firmly stomped his foot down. "She was always nice to us, but man, was she clingy. Always up in your business even when you're with us. Like, find something to do for yourself, please. Hell, even I felt suffocated when she wouldn't let you spend time with us. When we asked you for a night out, you were physically with us, but she kept taking your attention away from us."

"I was too afraid of losing her. Sorry I didn't make our friendship as much of a priority I should have. I'm sorry, guys."

"You better apologize! And I accept it. Hmph." Jason let out a fake cough. "Maybe--how about you, Kathryn?"

"I have no hard feelings towards you, but I really did miss you--even when you were with us, I still missed you." She looked up with a confused look that was trying to solve a simple puzzle with complex answers. "I'm not sure if what I'm trying to express is coming out the way I want." She gave off a laugh for her not so concrete explanation. She wasn't used to not being completely concrete in her words, but she didn't feel the need to be perfect around her two best friends.

"It sure does. My head wasn't there with you guys for so long. I brought my body, but I left myself at home with her."

"Talk about quality time, eh?" Jason smirked.

"Right!" Joseph and the grouped had a hearty laugh together. The tension in the room became soft. The blinding lights felt like a warm blanket for the party. Feeling less embarrassed about the whole ordeal, Joseph's grip on his drink softened up. "I thought I could just ride the wave with her for the rest of our lives..."

Jason lifted up his drink with his pinky up. "Until the waves rocked your boat and she was the only one with a life jacket."

"It really di--does feel like the waves pushed me over, and now I'm drowning."

"It's your first heartbreak. You didn't even get a trial run growing up as a kid. Man! When Shelly dumped me when I was 12, I was an absolute wreck for an entire week!"

Joseph's face went neutral with a tinge of disappointment. "And ate all of my left-over birthday cake...while asking me to do your homework for you...jerk..."

"Hey! It's all in the past! Let's move on! But, my first adult heartbreak, I was still well-put on the outside, but on the inside, I was completely empty."

"We didn't hear from you for over half a year. What happened?" Kathryn asked.

Jason rolled his hands into a fist and tightened his grip as he faced a wallowing of emotions that he didn't realize he hasn't overcome. Yet, to this moment, still hasn't felt the depths of this past heartbreak. "I spent a good chunk of those months on my own drinking. I didn't even play any video games at the time. No TV, no adventures, no nothin'. I just couldn't bring myself to do anything on my down time but go out and drink myself to sleep."

Not wanting him to overindulge his despair, Joseph tried to change his mood by changing his attention from the terrible to the good. "What got you out of it?"

"It was a lot of self-inflicted pressure to do something. Anything. Go for a run, Jason. This is unattractive, dude. You gotta prove her wrong. You're so much better than she thinks. Make her regret it. And that's the mindset I've brought to every one of my break-ups."

Kathryn spoke up out of concern with a nonjudgmental voice. "I'm glad you found something for yourself to move past them, but don't become a narcissist, alrighty?"

"I make no promises." Jason smirked.

While Joseph understood where Jason was coming from by trying to build himself back up, he didn't quite resonant with the air of resentment he could tell Jason was still carrying with him after so many years. Is that how he too will feel over time? Just carrying an invisible griefcase around everywhere he goes?

While Jason was the brasher one with insights that Joseph's mind wouldn't cross, Kathryn was more diligent in growth without the need to make enemies. He always appreciated both of their views, but felt his values aligned better with hers. "How did you move pass Mark and the rest?"

To both their surprise, without a bit of sadness in her eyes, Kathryn put on a bright smile. "Hmm. Good question. It was a lot of wallowing in defeat, feeling like I wasn't good enough, but I had wonderful people check up on me in my time of need. If it weren't for the people that would pull me out the island I trapped myself in, I don't think I would've been able to feel so much freedom from growing together with, but also apart from, all of my exes."

Feeling like the advice being given is too passive, and just a bit of vanity for not being able to speak in what felt like forever, Jason tried to get a word in, but Joseph put a finger in front of his lips to let Kathryn continue with her dialogue.

"Kinda like how I'm trying to do for you right now." Kathryn had a few more important jumbling thoughts coming through. Should she mention all the good he had because of Emily, or is now not the time? Feeling like today should be a day to celebrate Joseph, she passed on the spotlight back to him. "Promise you won't disappear on us, okay?"

Joseph's body felt lighter. His words become easier to hear. "For all the days I went missing on your guy's radar, I'm sorry for--"

"Nuh, uh, uh. 'Thank you for being with us here right now,' would be better. No need to feel sorry. I'd rather you be grateful instead."

Joseph felt that no words could do what wanted to express well enough, so he quieted himself and slipped into a caring embrace with Kathryn. With a crackling voice, "you too, tough guy."

"Bleh. Only because life is kicking your ass and you need it. You should feel lucky I'm even giving you this." Jason joined them in a group hug that was the apex of their night.

For the following hours, they spewed gibberish and made quite a mess of the interior of the limousine. Small spillages of their drinks, and crumbs of food flying around as they were too drunk on each other's company, and let's be serious, too inebriated, to even realize what was happening.

Joseph was a light drinker, so he was able to sober up in the following hours as it was time for them all to be dropped off.

Kathryn is the first one to be escorted in the front of her home in a well-lit, gated community. She gave Jason a hug and some passing words before giving Joseph his. "If your island ever gets secluded again, invite us over to liven it up a bit, okay?" 

"You can bet on it."

"I'm holding you accountable for that, alright?"

"Of course. I wouldn't have it any other way."

The hug felt like it lingered longer than it actually did for him. From that moment, his worries weren't so bothersome, almost as if he never had any to begin with.

When they arrived to Jason's apartment, it was dimly lit with the some of the street lights off. Joseph insisted on walking him all the way until he was in the front door. "Thanks for the party, man. I appreciate you."

Jason gently put his arm over him. "I know stupid is what I can be, and my thoughts aren't the most provo--provoki--provocative..." Joseph took a moment to glance to the side of his feet before Jason continued his friendly speech. "But when it comes to showing up, you know I have that down pat."

"You got to work on your punctuality, slow-poke."

"Hey. Stupid. Y-no..."

Jason was too out of it to choose his words wisely. Although, that's usually the case even without all the booze in his system amplifying this trait. Being the good friend that he is, Joseph helped him get settled into the night before returning to the Limo.

During his ride home, he called out to the driver if they could make the time fly by faster with a little chat.

"What got you to be a limo driver, anywhoo?"

"I've always enjoyed making people's day better. Not only that, but I get to travel around and see the sights of this town I've never seen before. Plus, I get paid to do all of that."

"Not a bad gig if you ask me."

"Absolutely. I never got to stop and take a look at how beautiful this place is until I took this job. My marriage was having a rough patch with me being unable to hold a job down for more than a few weeks because of my depression tying me down to bed. My first kid was just born, and my wife wouldn't say it, but the stress in the way she moved told me everything I needed to know. I had to find stable income for us. I was hired here; a client payed me to drive a little passed the town to see a beautiful river where the water turned green when the sun was setting, and I got paid for it? Hot damn did that get me to want to jump right back into work to see what new individual was going to take me on a trip for. Ironic, right? I'm supposed to take them for a ride, not the other way around."

"Looks like this job saved your marriage." They both had a nice laugh.

"That's exactly how I see it. Like God graced me with his blessing when I asked him to help me give my family a nice life. My prayers were answered."

"Lucky you. I don't know if God, the universe, or whoever is willing, will impart a gift like that to me."

"And you're right. I've seen plenty of well-meaning people who just can't get their first break. I ain't gonna sugarcoat it."

Joseph wanted to retort with words bitter, but they were too tasteless even for him. He may not have been graced like his driver has, but he knew deep down that he didn't want him to carry his baggage during his trip back home.

"Got any plans after this?"

"A quick nap before I drop off the kids to school. Then another nap until I have another gig later into the day."

"I see. Must be quite a good family, I hope."

"It has its ups and downs, but I wouldn't trade it for the world--I'm glad my wife and I made it through all those moments when we both were going to throw in the towel. We would've never been able to go on that nice vacation up in the mountains together, or our daughter's first school play otherwise."

"What kept the glue together if you don't mind me asking?"

"Honestly, it was mostly persistence, and not letting all the differences divide us. I don't have any magical advice to give. It just sort of worked out that way."

"Lady Luck is smiling upon you, I see."

"You've got that right."

They were able to get a few more delightful exchanges on his 13 years of marriage before arriving at Joseph's home.

"Wow. I don't know if you've noticed from your time living here, but you're right next to Shelby's Animal Shelter. Got some nice dogs that could use a nice buddy if you ask me."

"Huh. After over a decade of living here, I never noticed. Where is it exactly?"

"A few blocks down south of here. Towards the freeway."

"Right next to that taco truck?!"

The driver handed out a smile. "That's the one."

"I've never had a pet before, let alone one of their tacos. Just autopiloted my way into the diner across the plaza."

"But you seem like you make a good buddy, and that you could go for an authentic, homemade taco by a family man with the heart of a thousand puppies."

Joseph chuckled. As he was about to reach for the limo door to leave, Joseph noticed the mess he and his friends made; mostly the mess that was stormed up by Jason's grubbiness. He didn't want this nice driver to lose sleep before being there for his kids, so he took the initiative to clean up the mess.

"What is your name by the way? I'm Joseph."

"Aaron's my name."

"Thanks for your service tonight, Aaron."

An endearing smile came to Aaron's face "You needn't clean up the mess, but it's appreciated, kind Joseph."

Kind wasn't a word he was used to hearing to describe himself. He was taken aback by it, but it didn't stop him from ramping up his clean-up while getting lost in thought for a while before opening his mouth again. "Kind? Are you sure of that one?"

"Why wouldn't I be? I can see you helping out your friends, but not only that, assisting an absolute stranger such as myself clean up? 'Kind' is definitely the adjective I'm choosing."

Joseph gave off a sly chuckle. "We haven't even gotten to know each other for the better half of a single night. What makes you so sure I'm not just having one good night?"


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