
Showing posts from July, 2020

133. Consensual

I had a map in my pocket all the time. I took on a new persona as a mime. Why falter when I can follow your lead? I was so safe that I would not bleed. It wasn't until the day you walked away, I had to begin to learn what to say. I was going to be okay. I was allowed to hit rock bottom, To learn how to pick myself up. The river reflected what I denied. I floated by giving myself permission.

132. Stubborn

I'd take two steps forward, Only to tread two steps back. I'd course correct to be right, Only to find I'm on a roundabout. I was being chased by Karma, Tying me down to the Dharma. I'd bash my head against the wall. My track continued on repeat. I was blinded of seeing blood fall I needed to find my retreat. I fell into being a coward, Bathing in all the lack. I gave up the fight. This is how I got out.

131. Self-Destruct

I'd get out of my comfort zone, Only to tip toe around humiliation. Two feet breaking on eggshells. I had trouble reading tone, So I ate all my emotion, Ears blinded by bells. I laid the foundation to my house, Surrounded by walls of hesitation, All my guest would get denounced. Windows cascade the moon. Doors closed on evolution. My home shrinks as I grow. My cage collapses all on me. Claustrophobia brings suffocation. The anger begins to overpower me. Holding myself back like a time bomb. Time is unyielding to my safe haven. Zero is when it's all consumed by flame.

130. Scribbling Again

Red crayons for the sunset with no gradients. Everything black and white without polishing. Colors outside the line to give off individuality. There were no confusions in the hues. Yellow strokes fused with the feeling of anxiety. Crept in with red to give my flame depth. Dabs of orange to give my piece unity. Not a scratch off the boundary. The warm colors were constraint to burst. The resistance cracked and let go. Dripping down the page to mix with cool. Temperature coming together for contrast. Like wanting the warmth of a blanket in winter, And to sink in the snow over summer. Yearning for excitement in quiet times, And seeking rest during overtime. I let myself get out of line. Okay outside the norm. Knowing I'm without form.

129. Exile and Return

Playing devil's advocate got me trouble. My ego saw no need to reevaluate. I was bloated on being subtle. No village would take me in. Isolation made it so I was never wrong I became one with oblivion. My thinking reached eternity, But my dialogue had no substance. I returned for peer reviewed clarity.

128. Rule

I start by opening the textbook. I read left and right to find my voice. I'm not quite sure where to look. Sprinting through was my choice. My teacher shows me where to guide my feet. The excitement plants me in my seat. I put my all into becoming an elite. I shave off all that's unique. I start to draw in the lines. I thought I found what's mine. I brush aside all that's benign. Mirror mirror on the wall, Why am I beginning to fall? Reflection staring back at me, Why are you waving mutiny? The school becomes my plateau.  Tears drip as I dig into the low. I fall asleep breathing in quiet scares. My screams trapped in my nightmares. I burn away the rulebook. My heart takes the next steps. My mind trembled and shook. I jump frighteningly into the ocean's depths. I drown in the undersea mystery. The chilly water absorbs the whole me. Conformity washes as I become cleanly. I open my eyes and can see clearly. I see my persona in the raindrop. Washing away into the underg

127. Seeing My Chains

I take those words as holy scripture, Hoping it gives me the full picture. I'm suffering through tradion, It's all apart of my condition. Breathed it in like another cigarette. It gave me nothing but regret. I dance around the problems. Skipping rocks over the solutions. My arms reach for addiction, Mind haunted by hallucination. Eyes focused on illusion. Heart full of confusion. Legs tied to trip me over. Face against the pavement. The scent of blood brings me back. I take a course correction to rehabilitation.

126. You To Me

Hey you with the smile of sunshine. Your gaze gets me out of line. See me full of pine? I scan around for a sign. You raise your hand with wine. You breathe, "would you be so kind?" I'm given a glimpse into your mind. I let air persuade you to be mine,  By letting my lips tell you a rhyme.  You reply, "are you asinine?"

125. Flashlight

When too many steps take the dance, Discovery fades from it's trance. Abandonment is the next addiction. As generations move and pass, Nostalgia tickles the heartstrings. Shine a light on the dark that's past. Bring back to life and be neverending Childlike dreams born from fiction.

124. Weathered

I've been given the spotlight. The gleam hits my eye As I wink confidence. I've ran through chill rain. Heart beating with pain. Mouth breathing in bane. Crowds call me a born natural, But they're blind of my isolation. I was shaped by whispering impractical, Giving double beyond your imagination. Detractors see me as paying a bill, But my steps are taken by the thrill. Glits and glamor wont keep me still, I've got the fire going in for the kill.