91. TEN

To go back to my den.
Every scratch cost a yen.
I don't know when.

Now I'm in line.
I take a bit of pine
Nesting in wine
Enveloped in what's mine.

Enriched next to my mate
I see our holy trait
Giving me a date
Hovering at this rate
To make me late.

Selling my newly made den,
Enticed by your ten,
Voted by more than men.
Every note from my pen
Now brings me my Zen.

So I'm betwixt
I have new kicks
X out my broken tricks!

For now I'm alive!
I'm willing to take the dive!
Vices pierced with knives
Even when not with my hive.

For the poor
Or remembering past lore
Under a mind under bore
Remembering my life's tour.

To finally give me
Hours of being free.
Remember my tree.
Everlastingly shade thee
Even when lying in misery.

Too many things aren't true.
Who made this poo?
Only people who never grew.

On the days yawn,
Null of any true dawn,
Eradicated by my pawn.

Zero time to be a hero.
Erasing horrid lingo,
Remembering the luck of bingo,
Opened my eyes bias ratio.


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