
Showing posts from September, 2013

51. Venom

Torn open and thrown out like discarded trash With a life crushing venom seeping through me From the bite of a past lovers dis-ease Forever haunting me from within Slithering inside me Slowly crushing me All of me With hopes of leaving no trace Of the heart I once broke It's grip binding my body Holding me from moving Suffocating my heart Stopping my breath I'm lacking in air I'm lying on the ground Faint and breathless Dying from the poison Dreading her kiss of death

50. Gentle Breeze

You can't see it... You can't grasp it... But you can definitely feel it... It's rather loving Like the wind Gently brushing against you Softly kissing your soul Without hesitation Blowing a gentle breeze To reassure you It's okay to let go Sometimes you feel it Sometimes not It comes and it goes Without no foreshadow Drop your fist Open your hand And fall back And let yourself get caught In its tender aroma Be with the love that can't be seen Fall in the love of what's always been here The love that frees you of deceit Love that has no blame or shame to keep Open up to what's here, right now

49. Fierce Grace

There's a lot of pain in this world It seems like we're just walking about Minding the business of others Unable to look ourselves in the eye They're the creature's of the night, Our thoughts, our emotions They lurk in the background Fiercely tugging at our heart We turn a blind eye, Shunning them away In fear Of what's here We look back, Wishing they'd go back From once they came We look ahead, Hoping they'll go away, Someday Yet, isn't it strange That once we've come to terms With these--'demons' When we meet ourselves By taking the hand being held out to us Our 'demons' become our guardian angels?

48. Deviating from the Origin: Mother

What a mystery How we're all the same Yet, when deviated, we're insane All born from a big bang All is a form of the one A child of origin But we feel so separate Nothing but emptiness Sinking into our minds The void of our love Unity's all but gone When we see none But the judgement's Of being no fun How can this be undone? We look about Spiteful eyes gaze around Looking for a complaint How we're not the same Nothing but separation There's a split in our hearts We aimlessly wander the dark As we miss our mark When we break apart Our dreams are amiss Nothing's left But a lifeless kiss From deep loneliness Unable to find a place called home We walk about these vacant streets Containing nothing we need Just fruitless comfort As we search for a place to stay Just running away From mothers call

47. Eyes Met Home

It's during the dark of the night When distractions are out of sight Is when I begin to write As I take a seat Covered in bed sheets For when we finally meet Eyes gazed At my own mind filled haze As I'm taken aback From all the lack That I begin to attack My own self Before I put my stories behind a shelf Of all the things I've projected Of the things I've neglected When I look myself in the eye Before I say goodbye When I lay To end the day

46. Harbour

The seas rush and rave As the ship loses it's sail To the roaring gale During our heart wrenching tale I've fallen I'm lost and stranded Drowning in the sea Hands lying about I'd scream and I'd shout With a whispering doubt 'It's about time I gave out' Depressed and ashamed Of the times I played With nothing but fish and bait Waiting for my hopes to bite Hoping to reel in what's so dear The sound of the night Hollowed by the sight Of your bright light A lighthouse to harbour A soul broken from its lies

45. Circus Freak

Rolling about Stumbling around Feeling like I'm about to fall Rolling on this ball Slowly growing Comfortably miserable With the front I put out To make it Day by day Without much to say Performing with silent pain It's just the price I pay For putting on these masks To play the role Of the joyous clown Humoring the toll As I border our line Of a double sided crime Of a well kept frown That hides from this town A normality of the circus freak

44. Tamed Angel

Caught up in chains Covered in shame Neglecting the unity When felt as impurity For being insane As the one who's not the same As those who once came And left their names With what's thought to be sane The norm that's so infertile That refuses to see The muddled water Of the reflected puddle Giving an image Of a broken down angel Ashamed of her own wings Bleeding in an inner hell As she cries about the day she fell And threw away her heart So life wouldn't feel so hard As to bare the words Of hate that spreads so well

43. Snow

I don't know where I'm gonna go I don't know how I'm gonna grow But isn't it beautiful That it's the same unknown That let's me fall And dissolve like snow Washing myself Of impurity As I let go And melt away All that's mundane Welcome to the show Of the sprinkled flakes Melting into a great lake To mirror its true reflection Of innocence Not for its own sake But because it couldn't take Another night of being fake Separate from the beloved Isn't it beautiful That all it takes Is for the heart to break And for the mind to fall apart To realize That we're so vulnerable And so susceptible To a falling from grace When we love and we hate Curling up and locking the gate That we blame it all on fate But the trip that we take Is just icing on the cake Of what you'll never know When life starts to flow And you begin to melt away From what seems so everyday No longer having to pay For words you neve

42. Deserted Heart

I wish I could cry again Just some water For my soul I feel like I'm out of water I've wasted all my tears When I felt my heart shatter Not a even dab of nectar Dripping from my heart I'm running on dry I can't water out the flames Of my tormented world I'm burned down Stuck in hell The tears They haven't rained Since I felt myself break My life's so bent Nothing but a stagnant hell Living in this shell Unable to repent I've been dragged to hell For all the hearts I've broke All their is is an internal yell Of how I fucked it all up What a fucking choke! I don't know how to cope When I'm all out of faith Where I'm without any love Without a pinch of hope Is this the price I pay For selling my soul On that painful day When all I did was look away?

41. Tainted Love

Love, You've become a lost art When put in a shopping cart And all fell apart The broken weren't so smart As they ripped their heart

40. Rain

Storm clouds Blocking my view Of the endless sky It begins to rain Droplets Pouring out life's tears Rain, brushing off my face Kissing me with grace Lamenting on the ground Becoming one with this town There isn't a place Where you're not welcomed For everyone's had a taste Of pain from foolish haste

39. Hey Love,

Hey love, I wonder how you've been Sitting here, in the cold, cold rain Remembering what we once were Brings a tear to me Brushing against my cheek Watering the pain--of my soul Hey love, Do you remember me? How we used to be Oh so close? Without a doubt That their was nothing to fear We'd spend our time together here Hey love, Why have we parted ways? No longer in an embrace My breath loses its pace Why am I left--all alone Navigating this dark, secluded place? If only this weren't the case...

38. Crack

There's a little crack Space, open and brittle Droplets of life seep through Gently washing away the lifeless Breathing in the calm Whispering a song A lullaby--if you will Brushing away the decay A cleansing of the heart