28. My Mind's Unrest

My mind's unrest
Caught in the past
Searching for you
Again and again

Recalling the past
How you helped me live
Putting a smile on my face

Only in my dreams
Are you there
With me

The present eludes me
I'm stuck in my dreams
Crying in place
Craving your embracety

I don't feel so strong
I've lost who I am
No longer walking
On a set path

I don't remember who I was
I don't know who I am

My mind's unrest
Struggling with reality

A double life I live
Who I think I am
Who I wish to be
Split on their paths

Stuck in my dreams
How things used to be
Hoping to greet you
And warm your heart
Like I used to do
Once again

Neglecting this day
Struggling to see
How you're gone
Unable to move on
I close my eyes
Praying for you
Once again

My mind's unrest
My heart's a mess

Distorted Reality


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