
Showing posts from February, 2013

22. Fruit of Love

Drifting further and further Pulled along the unknown Riding the waves Across uncertainty I swell up with anxiety Yet excitement dwells inside me. I don’t know what I was looking for I’m nothing but a stranger Navigating the familliar That’s now unfamilliar With brand new eyes Dust is now brighter Rust is no danger I’m no longer a racer, Speeding without end. I await the clarity of water For I know haste makes things bitter No need to spoil things with glitter It just makes them fade dimmer. Letting go of all the hate, Dishonesty falls to pieces, As integrity blows kisses. Surrounding all with grace, Love intertwines with its pace. Trusting all that’s arising, Fear is no longer binding. These new eyes, They see no wrong, Only webs of connections. This open heart, Feels strong pain, Carries compassion, Bares no doubt or fear, Is the Fruit of God: Love.

21. What Is Love?

What is love Anyways? Is it the fire in the heart? The flame that engulfs? The entangled longing? The ablazed yearning? The wanting mind? The “owner”? Craving? Or simply... The water that cools the fire? The soothing liquid? Free-flowing? Without opposition? The tears that rain, Embracing all? Fearlessly yielding? Accepting of change? Gentle to adversity? Healing? Take a moment To breathe Gather space Prepare To peel all the layers The conditioning, The un-lovingness, The bias, The judgements, The right, The wrong. All the walls. Perhaps Love is Nameless, Undefinable, Limitless, No-thing Yet Love is Every-thing Love is Love … .

20. Distance... Duality... Disheartened...

Underneath it all What separates us? Why argue our differences? Can’t we be here, Right now, this moment, Present with our gift of life? You say we’re divided, But says who? My mind has no authority I see no dividing line Our interdependence is calling. We’re all intertwined Interbeings I don’t see why we can’t be friends. So, why do you block me out? Telling me this or that to justify. My heart, it aches at this separation. The emotional distance between us, The duality of these mental barriers Wear me out as I’m disheartened. I’m afraid I have to let this go, But remember I still care. Even when I’m no longer there. I miss you, but I won’t suffocate you. I'll give you space, room to breathe Because I truly love you No strings attached. So, goodbye? Farewell?  Bye...

19. Ill From Within

I’m so sick and tired of this disease. Wandering about the world Oh so ill. I can barely breathe Everyday I’m asleep Life’s so heart wrenching My mind complicates things That were never so deep. This sickness I’ve brought upon myself Disaster’s that my thoughts conjure up. They’re better left on the shelf. As they cover up what’s so still. The innocence that’s hid well. There’s no way than to let it all burn! Just let it all fade away. Let it all melt and sink. Now, what remains? No-thing’s left! Just let it go. Just be. Just... … .