
Showing posts from November, 2013

56. Blindfire

I have no goals, No ambitions, At least any that I'm aware of. I have no aim. No mark to hit. Just blindly shooting. I don't know where this discontent comes from. I just feel out of place, Out of sync with my own integrity. Walking day by day, Letting each breath go away, Without much to say. Everything is just so faint. I can't put my finger on anything Without it going astray. I just want someone by my side, So I'm not ridden with the anxiety Of being a waste of space. I'm not sure if anyone can play the part Of filling the hole in my heart. Someone who sees me as a work of art.

55. Hello

Drowning in a sea of her own blood Allowing herself to bleed With the bitter taste of shame Knowing things will never be the same Not knowing how to give herself The love she always wanted When neglected as no good Slowly sinking In her own self-torment With no room for air Nor space to move Crushed by inadequacy Dreaming of someone to call out her name Before she dug her own grave To help her open her eyes With the gaze of sincerity That she longed for her whole life Rest was not her friend As she threw away her heart That was sick of beating For no one came to help her breathing This was her ending

54. Giving Up

Sometimes, I don't know if I can take anymore My shadows walk with me Following me as guilt that won't flee I can't seem to forbore This haunting lore That was once a safe haven For pain I shoved in my den But no more This mourn I'm overcome by grief Unable to turn over a new leaf There is no place for peace I can't feel my core I'm torn!

53. Too Tired to Try Again

Just give me a reason To rise--once again Just a reason To get out of bed As I once have Tell me Will it be worth it If I got up--once again? What if I don't feel up to it --again? What if I'm too afraid--to love again? I'm asking for some room to breathe So I can have my moment to let go And see, if I can stop my journey So I know who it'll be Who truly cares for me 'Cause it's hard To unwrap my heart One last time