
Showing posts from May, 2013

28. My Mind's Unrest

My mind's unrest Caught in the past Searching for you Again and again Recalling the past How you helped me live Putting a smile on my face Only in my dreams Are you there With me The present eludes me I'm stuck in my dreams Crying in place Craving your embracety I don't feel so strong I've lost who I am No longer walking On a set path I don't remember who I was I don't know who I am My mind's unrest Struggling with reality A double life I live Who I think I am Who I wish to be Split on their paths Stuck in my dreams How things used to be Hoping to greet you And warm your heart Like I used to do Once again Neglecting this day Struggling to see How you're gone Unable to move on I close my eyes Praying for you Once again My mind's unrest My heart's a mess Distorted Reality