
Showing posts from 2023

171. Kissing For Air

Yearning branded it's mission: Needing you to avoid oblivion. Breathing in a life of craving. With a hand wet from all these tears, No longer able to hold on to you, Everything slipping so soon. Breathlessness giving into fear, Praying for lips to taste sweet honeydew, Dying into an aftertaste of the empty moon. My ears slapped by the wolf's howl, Waking me up from the dream, Back into my senses. To feel my full heart beating, Jumping high for the heavens, Revealing an unavoidable intimacy. "Isn't it a joy to feel so alive?" It's silence screamed.

170. Silent Noise

Could you believe, All that noise, The minds buzz, Got "you" to look away? Like trying to swat a fly, No matter how swift, You could never catch up, To whom you may ask? Who you believe yourself to be, Who you think yourself to be, Could never comprehend, The mystery of "you." Let go, Simply know, This is death row, For the false show. No more enlightenment, No more unenlightenment, No more ground for a self to stand, No more fighting the ever present flow. Permission was never needed, To be just as you are, Innocent and pure, "Spirit."

169. I Am Not Me

Before I knew it, My feet had moved. When I knew it, It was me who moved, Yet it was not I. "You will follow or suffer," It said. There I knew it, Silent but not afar. When the body followed, The lie was breached. I suffered. It was what the humans sowed, Our ability to know. "Oh," I uttered. Invisible, but not blind, I know this scar. Anatta

168. Loneliness

What do you do, When paint won't leave your brush? What do you do, When mute is your only language? What do you do, When you've given your all, For people to just pass you by?

167. Emptying Formless

The birds were birds, The trees were trees, And I was Me. But waves came ashore, They were all no more, That much I can be sure. Sheer will burned all form, Yet, why is there this storm? The birds no longer birds, The trees no longer trees, I am no longer me, Or so I thought to be. With heaven here, Giving permission, To envelop all of me. The birds sang as I stepped home, The trees hugging me in their shade, And I'm no longer threatening me. Form had to return, For it to meet it's end, As both burn away as one.

166. Human Silence

No words I wanted, Only your presence. No words uttered, Yet endless air breathed. No words go past frozen, But touch kindles a blaze. No words tastes as bitter, Than seduction to save thyself. No words a softer lie, Than "stay in my life." No words I've heard more, But "I would never." No words more naked, Yet vulnerability only skin deep. No words to create the world, Only silence before creation.

165. Inevitably Human Again

There was never a time, There was never a place, There is nowhere to run away. Nothing but the inevitable play. Closing off came from grace. Heartbreak wiped away the grime. The escape was held, Thought to be freedom's way, Felt to be pain unending. The yearning asked for resolution. Screaming "are you paying attention?" The very desire seen to be dis-ease. Poison is the medicine asking, "please." Venom pushed away seen as pure. Nothing else felt so sure. Problems no longer became a list, As spirit felt became bliss. But the ailment of yours, Was where I closed my doors. Oh, humanity. For what are thou to me, When you became my enemy? Up here high on heaven, Watching over the earth, Judging all action as sin. Yearning for birth again. Returning back to Samsara, Truly knowing it to be Nirvana. And knowing deep down, this is Love. Feeling deep in the Heart, with a Sincere "I'm sorry," knowing there's nothing to Forgive. Nothing could be but the I

164. Pulled From Under the Rug

A rug was put beneath For ground to be walked. My feet forced its shake. Only for grace to pull it away. To reveal nothing. Disoriention or heaven?

SS3. Putting On My Best Scent To Lure Her

 I close my hand mirror after a treacherous morning priming myself for self-beautification. "Today's my day," I affirm to let assuredness override hesitanceness. My hair patted down after rinsing excess conditioner, I run my hands through its soft marshmallow texture. "She'll get a touch of the clouds as my hair brushes against her," I whisper to myself. I make sure to wear light and bright; it'll draw her gaze like a moth to a flame. I contrast my turquoise polo shirt with black jeans so she knows I have depth. But this isn't enough. I have to leave her breathless. A gentle dab of Pond Leaf clenching my neck is how I'll shake her knees to follow. I reveal myself by closely passing her as she waits in line for her morning Golden Latte, making sure the heavenly touch of my hair coyly caresses the back of her neck as I do so. "Ah, I'm sorry. My hair goes a little wild when they see what they want." I press my fawning eyes into her min