
Showing posts from February, 2018

107. Being In Two Places At Once

I can taste the cleanliness of water, But I too can taste the filth from drowning I can smell the sweet scent of my perfume, But I too can smell the fear I'm trying to hide. I can see the high marks on my grades, But I too can see the misses from perfection. I can hear your voice of reassurance, But I too hear my voice in self doubt. I can feel the warmth of your arms around me, But I too feel the cold in my broken heart. It's like I'm in two places at once.

108. Pieces

I thought I had things under control, But my force to hold my life together Crushed the life I had believed to have made I scramble to recollect my shattered pieces But they've become unrecognizable, I no longer know who I am. The fallen pieces are broken They won't fit back to where they belong I have no choice but to let that part of me die. I create new pieces as I'm healing myself. Soon, new pieces take shape To fill in the void.