
Showing posts from June, 2014

66. The Ribbon Tale

This is a story of poetry A tale of a ribbon pulled too tightly One end dried from her deeds The other -- a heart with wings Willing to take the lead Her heart was soft Her heart was slow But her heart was willing indeed To let it be known That she was loved For a tender time Her heart tugged To pull her in To show her it's okay Things don't have to be this way Even during the mess When we're intertwined I'll be here to help you rest Yet she began to pull away Whispering to her heart I can't believe things are okay Don't take this lightly For her heart grasped too tightly And the closely kept ribbon fell apart

65. Forlorn Mourn

Constantly looking Always searching For something to fill The void in my heart The heartache I carry with me The insecurity inside of me Following me As I wish for something pure Constantly looking Always searching To mend this absence To be filled with presence This pain I hold with me This trail of disparity Has its way with me As I fall into the same old bore This is the tour Of one who's forlorn Writing about her unborn lore From a love that was torn

64. In My Own Way

Oh, today It's no longer yesterday I can't wait 'till tomorrow, Or I'll be filled with sorrow Because it won't be okay Step by step, Moment by moment, I can't help but feel The fear of the next day Being in my way I'm not okay, It's not okay, Where is the way... I can't help but shiver, As the void brings me to quiver The tilt of never being okay Stuck in my own dismay It's not okay To fall my own way What else is there to say...